Attracting & Keeping the Best
The right retirement package can mean the difference between recruiting and retention success or failure.
Business Retirement Plan & Design
​If you own a business, your retirement may not be your only concern when it comes to retirement planning. You know that in order to recruit and retain the best and the brightest, you have to offer more than simply a competitive salary and an enticing workplace culture. You may need to offer solid benefits, including an attractive retirement plan.
The kind of retirement plan varies from company to company, business to business, and from one type of workforce to another. Some companies may need to offer different retirement plans to different workforce classes within the same organization.
We will work with you to determine the kind or kinds of retirement plans you should consider, how those plans factor into your larger compensation package, and the appropriate level of customization.
Managing Fiduciary Responsibility
To help business owners and boards fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities to clients, EightPoint Financial is supportive of the decision to act as:
3(21) Investment Financial Professional: Provides customized investment recommendations to the plan and can provide general financial planning and asset allocation recommendations to participants to help them achieve their retirement goals;
3(38) Investment Manager: Takes discretion over the plan’s assets and management by assuming greater legal responsibility and liability for individual investments selected.
For 401(k) and 403(b) administrators, EightPoint Financial, through Cambridge Retirement Plan Strategies, delivers:
Recordkeeping services;
Education and enrollment materials;
Quarterly participant statements delivered to plan sponsors; and
Web access for participants, financial professionals, TPAs, and plan sponsors.